Recent research shows that the global shape of happiness is ”U”. Collected data includes a number of specific factors influencing well-being related to family, relationships and financial situation. A clear trend is seen - the least happy period manifests around one’s middle age.

Some experiments were done with the apes as well - it showed similar life patterns. This made room for thoughts about the genetical side of happiness. Apparently, 50% of human's ability to feel satisfied is out of his control - it lays in neurologic chemistry (40% depends on mindset and 10% on circumstances).

The specimens were taken from a group of participants in order to “diagnose” their happiness levels based on the collected DNA/bacterias. The intention was to guess the complexity of patient’s mental state and what caused it, but with an ironical pseudo-scientific approach. 

This project contemplates whether people’s lives can be compressed to a such simplified set of stats - is it not just a theoretical speculation? Doesn’t it feel ridiculously generalising?