Hofstadter is a conceptual typeface inspired by a chapter from Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, a philosophical discourse on cognition and intelligence by Douglas R. Hofstadter. To explain his various theories, the author draws on examples from mathematics, art, music, programming, and genetics. The typeface illustrates Layers of Stability, a brief section in which Hofstadter suggests that any event in life can be measured using constants, parameters, and variables. This system was adapted to create a strict set of rules for designing the typeface: the weight and proportions of the letters were constants; stroke angles served as parameters (less constant constants); and serifs were treated as variables. To reflect this modular structure and the Lego-like design process, the type specimen was conceived as an interactive zine that allows readers to experiment with various folding possibilities, creating new and unexpected forms.